Developing and Marketing a New Product and Campaign


Client: Formcraft
Project Timeline: 2020 - Present

Services Provided: Campaign Development

The Challenge

Our client Formcraft was presented with an opportunity to license and design a workplace strategy program — WorkforceDiagnostics™— that helps companies build data-driven solutions for the evolving workplace. 

Formcraft turned to The Moving Company for campaign development around the new diagnostic program. Through initial research into workplace strategy programs in the post-COVID world, The Moving Company saw an opportunity to own the conversation around returning to work and the future of work, so the Moving Company team developed the Future of Work Campaign

This campaign included a robust digital strategy and public relations, as well as a sales deck to promote the program.

The challenges The Moving Company needed to address included:

  • Developing a Go-to-Market strategy to promote the program

  • Adapting the WorkforceDiagnostics™ survey to improve the customer experience

  • Creating evergreen messaging to support the program in multi-phases

  • Strengthening Formcraft’s SEO dominance around the Future of Work

The Process

SEO & Content Strategy

The Moving Company’s strategy team kicked off SEO research and identified relevant keywords to infuse through multiple pieces of content such as: 

  1. 3,000+ word power page, The Future of Work, that lives on Formcraft’s website

  2. Four keyword-heavy blogs:

    1. Strategies to Safely and Effectively Open Your Offices

    2. How Your Company Can Help You Safely Return to the Office

    3. The Future of Work: Do’s and Don’ts of Office Perks

    4. 3 Things Your Office Strategy Data Is Trying To Tell You

  3. Downloadable ebook “Innovating Your Workspace for a Safe Return to the Office”

Public Relations + Paid Advertising

Through a partnership with PR and media company Cision, The Moving Company wrote and distributed a press release announcing the launch of WorkforceDiagnostics™. The press release earned over 2,000 views and 29 click-throughs.

The press release was also added to Formcraft’s website and LinkedIn page for added visibility. 

Next, The Moving Company developed multi-phased LinkedIn ads and corresponding landing pages, in efforts to tailor messaging to the market’s ever-changing needs. Early messaging focused on the data and science behind WorkforceDiagnostics™ to build authority. Subsequent messaging focused on safety in the workplace and eventually effective Return to Work Strategies.

Additional Marketing Efforts

In addition to developing custom graphics for the aforementioned advertising efforts, The Moving Company’s creative team designed mockups of the program’s dashboards and timelines to make WorkforceDiagnostics™ more tangible. 

The Moving Company reviewed the survey experience as well, both in testing the survey, editing questions, and offering feedback to Formcraft’s workplace strategy team. The goal of our consultative efforts here were to ensure a successful customer experience for program participants. 
The Moving Company didn’t stop at campaign development. They took the relationship one step further by assisting Formcraft in developing a branded WorkforceDiagnostics™ sales materials. The sales deck and one-pager helped Formcraft’s Business Development team visualize the offering for prospective customers.

Problem Solved

In welcoming Jeremy Drummond as the company’s first Design Principal in February 2021, Formcraft added design-focused leadership into the mix, elevating their Design Studio’s reputation. The Moving Company pursued PR efforts highlighting Jeremy’s addition, including a press release, organic LinkedIn posts, and blog post. Two months later, Formcraft hired Lauren Walker to own the WorkforceDiagnostics™ program—another step in the right direction for an evolving studio—and another addition promoted through The Moving Company’s PR efforts. 

In addition, the WorkforceDiagnostics™ press release garnered media attention and was selected for free Native Article placement through Cision. The article was featured on Entrepreneur, Reader’s Digest, US News & World Report, MarketWatch. The The Moving Company team also developed trackable Native Ads that provided insight into language that’s relevant to our audience. 

Through consulting and creative efforts, The Moving Company set WorkforceDiagnostics™ and Formcraft up for success.

“The way WorkforceDiagnostics™ has been marketed has assisted in attracting two great talents to our company—Jeremy Drummond, Design Principal and Lauren Walker, Director of Workplace Strategy & Design.”